Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Summer Reading List 2012

Ok, here’s the booklist of Summer ’12.
I’ve already read The Magician’s Nephew and The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.
I want to finish the five other books in The Chronicles of Narnia series. (That would be seven books… my goal is 24, remember?)
8. 50 Shades of Gray. I want to know if this is actually a good book, or if it’s another Twilight epidemic… huge hit but SHITTY writing. Depending on whether or not it’s good, I may or may not read the other two books in the trilogy.
9. Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children. I’ve already started this one, so I figure I might as well add it to my list.
10. The New Dead. See the reasons stated above.
11. Full Dark, No Stars by Stephen King.
12. On Writing by Stephen King.
13. Danse Macabre by Stephen King. (And any other book of his I haven’t read yet.)
14. I have a bookshelf full of Kevin Brockmeier books I need to get to.
15. The Girl Who Fell From the Sky by Heidi Durrow
16. Maybe some George R. R. Martin??
17. Shit I’m running out of ideas here. I like to just go browse Barnes and Noble and see what I can find.
18. All the classics of course, that have been on my summer reading list six summers in a row… Jane Austin, George Orwell, etc.
19. Some of the novels for my Early American Novels class this fall, if I can get my prof to email me the list.
20. The Complete Works of Poe. By Poe, duh.
21. Alice in Wonderland. This is another one that’s been on my list forever. I love the story, I’ve just never read it.
22. Zone One by Colson Whitehead. I can’t believe I didn’t think of this one till this late in the list! Zombiiiieeeeessssss!!!!!!!!!!!
23. The Third Gate. I just found it while browsing Barnes and Noble’s website (the next best thing), and it looks interesting, plus it has to do with ancient Egypt, which I used to be obsessed with when I was a little girl.
24. I think I’ll reserve this spot for all those Lisa Jackson/Iris Johanson/Nora Roberts guilty pleasure reads. =)
So there it is. A list of 24 books for the summer. Well, kinda. If I ever find myself searching for something to do, I can just turn to this and pick up a book and start on it.  I LOVE crossing stuff off of lists. Anyone can feel free to leave suggestions of good reads, or comment on the ideas I have listed here. Just don’t spoil any of them for me!! Goodnight, ya’ll.


1 comment:

  1. Pretty righteous reading list. I'm working on rereading the Chronciles of Narnia too. I'm about to start A Horse and His Boy (#3).

    Can't believe you haven't read the Girl Who Fell From the Sky yet! It's MAGIC!

    Btw, if you've never read The Book Thief (aka my favorite book EVER) it needs to jump to the top of your list!!!! :)
