Wednesday, June 13, 2012

First World Problems

                I was much happier with my workout today than I was yesterday. The workout was 21-15-9 dead lifts, burpees, and ring dips. The prescribed weight for women on the dead lifts was 115, but I only did 95. I’m still at the stage where I need to focus on form rather than weight. And that’s still 20 more pounds than I was able to do last time, so I was happy. In case you don’t know what burpees are, all you really need to know is they suck. Nobody likes burpees. And I wasn’t able to do the ring dips, so I did box dips instead. I’ve added ring dips to my list of things I want to work on. I finished in 8:47. Not the greatest time but definitely not bad either. I focused on not taking as many breaks as I normally do. It’s slowly getting easier.

                 Our finish today was a one mile run. I hate running… I used to be pretty decent at it but now I suck at it and I know it’s all in my head. When Coach gives us a 400 meter finish, I’m dying at about 300 meters. When he gives us an 800 meter finish, I’m not dying until 700 meters. So I know it’s gotta be some kind of psychological bullshit. Today we did a mile and I walked some, but for the most part I ran and my time wasn’t all that bad… no worse than what it was when I was running on a treadmill at the gym. I try to motivate myself while running… mostly by imagining the zombie apocalypse. I really hope if that ever happens the zombies are slow like the walkers in “The Walking Dead,” not fast like in 28 Days Later or I’m screwed. If I ever had to run for my life, I’m sure I’d trip and fall.

                I haven’t read at all today, which means I need to get off of the computer and do that. And I still haven’t written anything except these posts, although I finally have a couple of ideas. I changed my mind about posting my ideas on here though, just because online copyright worries me. I’m not sure what the laws are, and I know some websites (including blogging ones) own all material that is posted on them. So be careful what you post on Facebook! That’s one of the sites that owns everything you throw up on your wall.

                In a little while, I’m headed downtown to catch up with a friend, and it’s gonna be my first test of NOT ordering a beer. I haven’t decided yet if I’ll try a mixed drink or if I’ll just order water. First world problems, for real.



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